Thursday, March 10, 2011

Morning ritual

Okay, so my sister wrote a blog about doggie poop and it prompted me to share the morning ritual at my house.  It goes something like this.....  Alarm goes off and Moose, my 90# chocolate lab and Marley, my 80# cream lab realize that morning has come once again.  Ughhhhhh !!!  So I roll over and assume an optimum position so that I can rub both bellies at one time.  Depending on their location in "our" king size bed, it can be an awkward task.  About this time, the she kitty, Joey, decides it's time to join in on the festivities.  She prefers to just watch as opposed to being in the midst of the morning chaos.  Oh, did I mention that Moose and Marley were boys ?  Anywho, eventually I roll out of bed.  Moose prefers to just lay there for a bit as I go into my bathroom and take my morning meds.  Joey usually jumps up on the bathroom counter as I fix my meds (not that I take a whole bunch....just sayin') and Marley is underfoot.  I take the 3 bottles out and open the first one to use as a receptacle.  This open bottle has to go back into the medicine cabinet immediately because Joey has been known to knock over the bottle and I've had to scrounge around looking for cholesterol pills on the floor.  But now I've got her number and I've outsmarted her !  Then it's off to the kitchen.  I open the door and out goes Marley to "do his business."  I close the door so that Joey doesn't sneak out as she once did and was then missing for a month.  (This prompted psychic calls and house to house neighborhood searches but that's a story for another day.) 

If you're wondering what Moose is doing at this time, I can tell you what he's NOT doing.....he's not going out because he's afraid to go out and be left out !  He's a bit of a lazy indoor type of fellow !  I then fix the coffee pot.  By this time, Marley is waiting at the back door to be let in, he is 3 years old and has yet to figure out that he can scratch at the door or bark and he'll be let in....geez !!!  Now I feed the 2 doggies and Joey.  By the time they are done, the coffee is ready and I pour myself a cup.  Now, Moose is ready to go out so we all (except Joey) trek out to the patio where Moose takes care of business and they run and play.  Marley is a "fetching fool" and Moose just kind of hangs out like the lazy dog he loves to be.  If this doesn't sound like a big is !  You try drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette (my bad !), throwing a slimey toy repeatedly, check facebook, catch up on Words with Friends, and checking email at the same time !  An exhausting 15 minutes I tell you ! 

Sometimes I try to sneak back in by myself to get ready for the day.  This inevitably causes even more chaos.  It's no secret that my dogs don't like to stay outside if it's too hot, too cold, or raining.  Come to think of it, they'd rather be watching Nick Toons.  When I do go in alone, I have to tell them "go play" and then they start barking at each other and growling because they are mad at me but I'm high-tailing it in the back door so they have to get uptight with each other !  When they do come in with me, there are different scenarios that may take place.  If I'm taking a bath, I have to close the bathroom door.  Moose will lay there and when I finally open the door, he rushes in to drink the bath water as it drains....whatever !  After the water has drained, he generally proceeds to get into the tub and lay there while I do hair and makeup.  Marley is on the floor again, underfoot. 

Once I'm ready to leave the house it's cat and mouse time !  Marley readily goes out to play but Moose insists on being chased around the kitchen table and shoved out the door.  Not a pretty site.  He then gets on the patio chair (which has no cushions because Marley tore them all up) and looks in the window with the saddest of faces....he'd rather be on the sofa napping and watching cartoons !  I feel like a horrible mother making him stay out sometimes !  I've come to realize that I have made the dreadful mistake of making my dogs believe they are human !  But, I'd do it all again.  They offer unconditional love and a sense of security when I'm home alone.  What's a little morning chaos when there's so much love and slober around !  Muawwww Moose and Marley !

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oak post

This will be my final blog about Oak Alley.  My fascination with Oak Alley began many years ago on my first trip there.  At that time, the grand mansion was in much need of some TLC.  Over the years, and through the vision of one man, Zeb Mayhew II, she was restored to her former state of glory with many additional amenities.  I have been to everything from tours and gala events to craft fairs.  Occasionally, when I am in the area, I take a slight detour just to drive past her and marvel in the grandeur that is Oak Alley. She has been the site for the filming of many movies, weddings, and events.  Instead of reinventing her history, I will add below, the history taken from the website....I'm hoping there's not a professor around waiting to hit me with a plagiary charge !  FYI, the website is  

Okay, bad idea....I won't be posting the longgggggg history, as fascinating as it is (I attempted it and it is wayyyy too long for a blog and a brief synopsis wouldn't do it justice).  Please do yourself a  favor and visit the website and the history page, you won't be disappointed if you love tales of the old south like I do !

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Oak Alley continued.....

A mighty oak
West side of the house
Christmas at Oak Alley

Another Christmas photo
Christmas topiary
Snow, an unusual occurrence in southeast Louisiana
More snow
Like fine lace beneath the mighty oaks.....
Aftermath of Katrina
More of Katrina's wrath
A tree fallen amid ancestor graves
A New Orleans Saints playoff daughter and grandson are in this photo.
Side view
A sugar kettle...used way back when to make sugar from the sugar cane
Tour guides

I'll try to add some history on a later post.  Every time I pass Oak Alley, I am in awe of her grandeur....hope you enjoyed.

My very first blog.....Oak Alley Plantation

I didn't set out to start a blog this evening...I was only trying to sign into this world of blogs that I know nothing about.  There are some blogs that I am extremely fond of and hopefully, I can attach them to this page and share them with you.  What to say....well, it's hotter than heck here in Louisiana today !  Makes me think of the movie The Long Hot Summer with Don Johnson and a female actress who's name I can't remember at the moment...I guess that's kind of sexist...remembering the guy's name and forgetting the female's name !  What can I say !  Speaking of that movie, parts of it were filmed near here at Oak Alley Plantation...guess I should post a picture of it.  Maybe that can be the theme of my first blog....LA plantation houses !  Sounds like a plan to me !  On to my experiment..........
 Here are some pictures of Oak Alley for you to enjoy....